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Concord, CA Driving Tips and Experiences

Autolist Poll
Is a car necessary in Concord?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Concord, CA
Concord, CA Driving Tips
Slow down. You might see something you find interesting. And, it'll be safer for everyone else to look around too.
Concord, CA Buying Tips
Concord offers a dealership for almost any make of vehicle your heart could desire. Go to Concord Ave. And spend the day test driving any car you think you might like.
Favorite driving memory
My City used to have this strange public art in the middle of town, called the Spirit Poles. They were 30 foot tall, stainless steel spikes sticking up out of the ground in a median strip of downtown, right in front of the movie theatre. It was a strange and awesome sight to see the poles waving in the wind as I drove past, and it gave me a slight sense of pride that my City would have such a novel art display. Unfortunately, as they waved in the wind for 5 or so years, they began to become structurally unsound. They were taken down. No more gloriously driving past the Spirit Poles, taking my life in my own hands just to get through the middle of town. I kind of miss them.
Favorite road
Maryland Drive. Maryland Drive is my favorite road because it's my street, my block, my home. There's always a chance that when I turn the corner onto my block, the neighbor kids will be outside playing and I'll get a friendly wave. Or, the neighbor adults will be outside having a chat and a beer drinking session will break out. It's an amazing street.
Concord, CA
Concord, CA Driving Tips
Learn the traffic patterns and back roads. Traffic doesn't get too bad, but Clayton Road gets congested during commute hours. Concord Boulevard is maybe a little bit better.
Concord, CA Buying Tips
Craig's list has a really wide variety of vehicles and you can get some good deals. If you want to buy from a dealership, there are a few used car dealerships. If you want to buy a new car, there are a few dealerships near Sam's Club (but I think that's in Pleasant Hill).
Favorite driving memory
It's funny driving at night because there aren't that many cars on the road, and the police may follow you if they're bored (ESPECIALLY if you look young). The Clayton cops park empty vehicles at intersections to make it look like they're monitoring everyone's speed, but there is NEVER an officer in the car. They really just have nothing to do because there is such a low amount of crime.
Favorite road
Ygnacio Valley Road.. It goes over a hill and has a really nice view of the surrounding cities of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek. They have a lot of trees and it's really nice especially at sunset.