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Frisco, TX Driving Tips and Experiences

Autolist Poll
Is a car necessary in Frisco?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Frisco, TX
Frisco, TX Driving Tips
Plan for long, long, long delays. And when I say long I mean LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG delays. Frisco is not the best place to be if you're in a hurry to get somewhere.
Frisco, TX Buying Tips
You simply have to buy a car with good mileage. The amount of time you will spend sitting in traffic means you need a quality engine that won't overheat and won't use much gas. And don't forget the air conditioner. You will, quite literally, perish in your car if you don't have an air conditioner in the summer. There are plenty of car dealers in the Dallas area, just pick one and go.
Favorite driving memory
My favorite memory of driving in Frisco happened about 20 years ago. I drove north out of Dallas just to explore the world and saw a small, branch-obscured sign that read "Frisco" on it. The area around the sign was deserted and overgrown with trees and shrubbery. Just a couple of years later, that very spot was overgrown with shopping malls and restaurants.
Favorite road
Preston. Preston is the epitome of America when you drive on it in Frisco. Every big store you've ever heard of can be found on this road. The quality of shops and restaurants is nearly too good to be true.
Frisco, TX
Frisco, TX Driving Tips
Keep your head up and always watch for "the other guy"
Frisco, TX Buying Tips
Whatever brand of car you're looking for, you'll find it within the city of just outside the city. Frisco has it all.
Favorite driving memory
Before moving to Frisco, TX, I have never seen such a mix of drivers. Slow drivers, fast drivers, drivers on their phone, drivers that stop in the middle of parking lots for NO reason. This city is full of so many wonderful people, but put them behind the wheel and they turn into selfish jerks. I don't get it.
Favorite road
SH121. SH121 is a great highway. It has a 70mph speed limit, there isn't too much traffic and it's 3 lanes wide which gives people plenty of space to spread out.