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Chula Vista, CA Driving Tips and Experiences

Autolist Poll
Is a car necessary in Chula Vista?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Chula Vista, CA
Chula Vista, CA Driving Tips
Drivers tend to be impatient and cut other cars off frequently and drive on the opposite side of the streets since there is a lot of residential. They just assume since it is down a road with no witnesses they could drive recklessly. So I would recommend being patient because currently many parts of the city are being renovated so It's important to be cautious.
Chula Vista, CA Buying Tips
This city has a lot of people selling cars without having to go to a dealership many RV's and vans are sold, so it would be safe if buying it from a unlicensed seller to be careful of your transactions.
Favorite driving memory
When I finished my shift around 10:15pm It had been raining for at least an hour. I got in my car to make my 30 minute commute home and the rain was coming down gently it felt like a good time to listen to my music. I played slow jazz like songs and drove through the rain and even though I was exhausted from my day of work. There was no traffic on the streets and I drive a straight street for most of the way so I was able to relax without worrying about making turns. I really wanted to keep driving around even though I had already arrived home.
Favorite road
Palm Ave.. The road is a straight street from my home to the beach and my job so it's the easiest road to get by on, even when it is rush hour.
Chula Vista, CA
Chula Vista, CA Driving Tips
Try to avoid the freeways at rush hour. The traffic is terrible. Besides that there's not that much hustle and bustle here like in LA for example.
Chula Vista, CA Buying Tips
Any kind of car will do here. The weather is very fair and it only rains sparingly. Trucks, cars, vans, bikes all do very well. If you're looking for a car a good bet is the National City mile of cars. It's an entire boulevard of nothing but car dealerships.
Favorite driving memory
Driving at night downtown after a concert. It was a fun time with friends and we were just having a good time driving around and taking in the night life.
Favorite road
Otay lakes rd. It's a road that lead to the reservoir and is very scenic and has lots of lakes and trees. Great place to find some peace and get away from the city.