15 Audi A3 results
Golden, Colorado
Good until it breaks.
I think there are many good qualities about this car including a quality feeling interior, sleek exterior design, and a powerful engine. What I don't like though is how incredibly unreliable this car is. I have spent many, many hours fixing it. Last year I had to replace all of the motor mounts, an axle, the catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, and the ignition switch. Now, less than a year later, I am having problems with the O2 sensors again. When the car is working well, it runs great, and still feels like a good quality car even though it is getting older. When it is having problems though, it is a nightmare to drive because I am always worried the car will break down.
Concord, California
I love the look of my Audi, its a perfect size for me, the interior is nice and it gets pretty decent gas mileage. It's pretty zippy and has a manual option and shift paddles. The back seats fold down so it has plenty of room for my dog or camping gear. The main issues are that I've had to replace the thermostat, the back lights continuously burn out, it gives false errors, the original stereo screen went out so that had to be replaced with a different brand because the Audi stereos are so expensive. The leather seats cracked, the back power window motor is broken so that needs to be replaced, the power windows in the front give me trouble (I try to roll the window down but it takes a few times for it to go down, as soon as I let go it starts to roll back up). The gas cap needs to be replaced (Any time I get gas it has trouble starting), the clasp for the middle console broke so it doesn't stay closed, and the very best part is that it all costs lots of money to fix everything.