87 BMW 3 Series results
BMW 3 Series Grosse Pointe, MI OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Iowa Colony, Texas
A true drivers car
My BMW 335i is one of the best weekend vehicles I have ever owned. Great power out of the box and easy to modify if you have experience with tuners. A true drivers vehicle. Typical problems you would experience with a turbocharged vehicle, however the pros far outweigh the cons.
04923, Maine
We didn't follow the crowds.
In the area that we live in, BMW is one of the least owned cars. The closest facility to work on them is located hours from our home. We purchased this vehicle used, with a few problems, but overall good condition. We were in hopes that we would be able to perform repairs to it ourselves. We have found that it takes a little longer to get parts, but with some research, we are able to perform repairs ourselves. Fortunately, in the last year and a half of owning it, we haven't need many. Our car is a 2008 BMW 328xi with the N52 engine. We love that it is a four door, is AWD, is peppy, good on gas and beautiful. When we purchased the car, it had over 200,000 miles. We had to replace the windshield and were pleasantly surprised that the cost of doing so was the same as any other vehicle we have owned. We also had to replace a few light bulbs including a reverse light and head lamp. We were able to complete those repairs ourselves. We also recently replaced the hood latch cables, valve cover gasket and vanos solenoids. When we had the valve cover gasket off, we surprised at how beautiful the internals were, even with the high mileage. There are a couple of things we dislike. We had to get a computer program to run diagnostics on the car, as no one in our area has the capability to do so. It was not a huge task for us, but I think that the average person would find it difficult and annoying. We also wish that the vehicle had an oil dipstick. It is scary to rely on a computer to monitor such an important thing. We would highly recommend this vehicle to anyone for its reliability and comfort. If you are a do it your selfer and are willing to order parts online, the cost of owning this vehicle is comparable to most others. If you are not, you may want to consider a different make, as they don't often have issues, but when they do, it could get expensive to bring it to a dealership.
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