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West Valley City, UT Driving Tips and Experiences
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West Valley City, UT
Driving through the neighborhoods and smaller roads is a lot more efficient way to get through to where you need to go.
Anywhere along 3500 South will be full of dealerships with great deals.
When I was younger my grandma would always take the "long way" anytime we went anywhere. Every winter we would take our time going anywhere because we would drive around looking for houses that were decorated with Christmas lights.
Winder Lane is beautiful, especially during Christmas time.. It is always quiet and runs next to the cemetery where some family members are buried. During the holiday season it is lit up and pleasantly festive.
West Valley City, UT
Be courteous. Use blinkers, let people in when needed.
There are a lot of dealerships along 3500s. Around the Bangerter area there a several top brand dealers.
Down around the Valley Fair Mall. They have really spruced the place up. With adding Trax in the area, right in front of the mall, it really made it necessary to re-construct all the roads so everything is nice, new, clean and wide.
3500 South. It is essentially the main drag for West Valley City. All the major store, outlets and malls can be found on this road. A lot of different cultures are represented as well. Also, people driving on this road tend to be more aware of their surroundings, less accidents.