221 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 results
Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Manning, SC OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Florence, South Carolina
Truck or treat?
Having a 1997 Chevy Silverado truck as well as a Ford has been interesting. Comparing the 2, I like the power the Chevy has, but The Ford seems to not have as many problems. I really like the look of the Chevy. The interior is very nice. It looks like a tough truck. I will continue to drive it till it gives up the ghost.
Walterboro, South Carolina
Nothing is like a Chevy
Chevrolets, for me, have always meant dependability. I must admit, I believe that you cannot kill a Chevy truck, and this one did not disappoint me at all. The truck is black and silver. It has a very clean look to it. Chevy's exterior design has not changed much since I got my first one in 1989. Hey, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. The bed can stand up to all the abuse you can dish out. The interior is as comfortable as can be. Being a big guy, I need plenty of room, and the Chevy has just that. The cab is big enough for four to ride comfortably. The inside is also very quiet. The suspension is setup to where the ride is extremely smooth. And since I have had the truck, I have not had a major mechanical issue and only a couple of minor ones.
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