19 Chevrolet Spark results
Chevrolet Spark Allentown, PA OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Lincoln Q
Sandy Ridge, Pennsylvania
The Chevrolet Spark is rated highest for safety amongst sub-compact cars. While a small car, it has more room than you'd expect. It also has superb gas mileage for a non-hybrid. Cross country trips are cheaper and comfortable. The Spark also has many modern amenities include a large touch screen display with Sirius XM radio and is OnStar ready. The design is also well thought out and has good handling in all seasons.
Cressona, Pennsylvania
Don't buy a Spark
The Spark is a cute car at first glance. It is said to be gas efficient, but I think it truly wasn't compared to other cars I had. It is a four-door car, which is nice, but the back seats are so small, literally only a child could fit back there. The back trunk is so tiny as well. If you are planning on having children, so do not buy this car. You will not be able to fit a stroller in the trunk and you won't be able to put the car seat either in the back. It is not a family car, it is pretty much for a single person or an old couples. It is also so small when you are on the highway and a large truck passes you the car feels like it could tip over. Also forget about it inn the snow you might as well walk. The only good thing t his car had was heated leather seats and power windows. You are better off spending the money on something bigger and safer. It does say it has 13 airbags, but I still don't feel safe in the highway with this car. It mainly belongs in Europe with the rest of the small cars.
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