27 Chevrolet Suburban results
Chevrolet Suburban Midland, MI OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Taylor, Michigan
Old time ride, old time fun!
A big hunkering old time beauty! Room for anything in this vehicle. Back seat folds down. Big bulky seats. The body and looks are great! Very comfortable for an older vehicle. Takes bumps like a truck. Gas hog, about 14 mpg. No blind spots, big mirrors take care of that. Seeing that its an older vehicle there are squeaks and unknown noises. Barely ever in the shop, very easy to maintain. Very fun to drive, maneuvers like a boat. Good acceleration, brakes need new brake pads every 6 months or they squeal. Feel very safe and comfortable in this vehicle, it can handle just about anything! Interior still in very good condition, along with tailgate. Minimal rust on the body, even after being in a state that uses rock salt. Overall I am very pleased with this vehicle, gets me to where I want to go with no worries about whether it will get me there or not. Great running vehicle, never disappointing to drive.
Comstock Northwest, Michigan
Perfect for large family
I love the size of the vehicle. We can fit eight people and still have tons of storage room. I have owned this vehicle for nine years and have not had to have very much work done, other than oil changes, tires, brakes, etc. My reasoning for purchasing this vehicle for two reasons: first is that I had infant triplets and needed a vehicle wide enough to fit three car seats in one row as well as fitting a triple stroller and wagon in the back. Second is that safety was my highest priority. I wanted a vehicle that could withstand an accident and not be totaled. This Suburban has completely lived up to my expectations.
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