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Four Corners, Montana
Ressler Motors Chevrolet Cadillac Toyota Scion Bozeman
2014 Cadillac 1526
The salesperson was very knowledgeable about the car I was looking at. They offered us additional benefits including free car washes for the life of the car. They were friendly and easy to deal with and their salesperson was very prompt and finished the paperwork at lightning speed. When I go in for service, they are always very helpful.
Four Corners, Montana
Ressler Motors Chevrolet Cadillac Toyota Scion Bozeman
2014 Cadillac 1526
The salesperson was very knowledgeable about the car I was purchasing. They were very friendly and willing to negotiate, and even offered additional benefits like free car washes for the life of the vehicle. When I have gone in for service, they have always been very prompt and helpful.