1,221 Pacifica Hybrid resultados
Principales Concesionarios En Hampton, VA
Priority Honda Hampton
2010 Honda 856
The salesman that helped me buy the car. He was so helpful and did everything to get us the care. Helped with the whole loan process as well, which was stressful
Hampton, VA Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Hampton?
Hampton, VA
Please pay attention Virginia has some of the worst drivers on the planet. They also like to drive the speed limit in the left lane on the Highway which backs up traffic a lot which can be pretty annoying. Traffic can be hectic during rush hour especially on interstate 64E near the Fort Eustis exit in the evenings which will ruin a very good day (trust me its happened to me).
Buying a car here is not that hard there are several large areas in Hampton, VA and in Newport News, VA where you can score great deals however owning a car here can be annoying, even if you own you car right out from another state they still make you pay them property taxes on it here in Virginia. I still have not figure that one out yet.
I'm originally for NYC where most drivers are aggressive so you learn how to see dangerous situations faster. My favorite memory from driving in Hampton, VA however is how crappy they drive here. I see several accidents per week a lot of head on collisions( I do not understand how you do not move when you see a car coming at you even if you in the right) and also a lot of people seem to fall into ditches. So most of my glorious days driving here are avoiding accidents. I do however enjoy the fact that they do not have many potholes unlike in NYC.
Interstate 64. It's a great stretch of road that can take you from Virginia Beach, VA all the way to Richmond, Va. The speed limit in some places are 70 mph and that's when I get to really open Pearl (my cars name ) on the highway. It goes through a gorgeous bridge and tunnel named the Hampton Roads Bridge and Tunnel( we call it the HRBT) that me and the kids enjoy crossing when going to the beach. It also goes through some pretty country roads which give you a good mix when going to Richmond.
Hampton, VA
Always pat attention, you need to watch everyone around you. Do not hoover next to another vehicle. Do not speed when it rains or snows.
There are a lot of stop lights so if you drive a manual good luck to you. I use to drive one it and it was awful. I also live near a military base so traffic gets really bad in the morning and the afternoon.
I have had some good and not so good experiences. Around the Hampton roads area, the drivers are terrible. They will merge over without looking and almost hit you. The also drive very slow to the point that they are almost 10 or 15 under. This would not be so bad if there was not two of them in both lanes so you can not even go around them. Then there are the ricer kids. Ricers are people who have imported cars and make them sound terrible, lower it and paint it some weird color. They drive like they own the roads. I know this because I use to driver a Mustang GT and it was loud as well and they would try to race me. These people here have no brains at all and the cops do nothing about it.
Big Bethel Road. It is a two lane road, one going each way. People do not drive to slow or too fast. It is also very close to my house and right by my school. It is convenient for me. There are also not a lot of pot holes there.