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Jackson, Tennessee
I love this high-quality, family car!
The car is roomy for a family car. There is plenty of foot room in the front and back seats. The car's interior has held up well...even with a rowdy, messy seven year old riding in the back seat at all times...and her friends! The style is modern and the knobs, fixtures, etc., appear to come from a more expensive vehicle. The car gets excellent gas mileage and has a built-in fuel economy system. I only fill up once a week, and I have a job that requires a great deal of driving. My car has approximately 77,000 miles on it, and the only work I have had to have done on it is replacing the battery, tires, and brake pads - nothing major. The car rides smoothly, even on rocky rural roads. The trunk is very large, which is great, as I often haul anything from sports equipment to test kits for my job to Christmas presents in it! This car also has six cupholders, which is great for my daughter's frequent Sonic runs with friends! It also has a back-up camera. Overall, I love my car!
Beaumont, Texas
Won't do it again
At first I really enjoyed the car, but then the problems began to increase seemingly by the week. Keep in mind that my wife owns a Mercury Milan 2008 which is the sister car for mine, meaning it's effectively the same car, but with different trim and options. The drive was very nice, although I remember initially thinking that the back window was a bit small. The six disc CD changer was nice until it stopped working. I currently have a power steering leak which causes the steering to get really tight. I've also had to replace the master cylinder for the clutch twice and recently got a letter in the mail about a recall. Of course... It's well out of warranty so any recall based repairs would have to come out of my pocket.
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