90 Honda Fit resultados
Katy, Texas
Love everything except how low it is to the ground.
While this car is definitely the best car that I have ever owned, I don't think I would buy it again. I love the style of the car. I love the color. I love the quality of the car. The only thing that I don't like about my car is that it is so low to the ground that the bottom often scrapes when I go over bumps. My car has almost 70,000 miles on it and I have never ever had a major problem with my car. I get oil changes whenever it tells me it is needed. I love that aspect of the car as well. I don't have to keep track of when it needs oil changes. The only things that I have ever had to do is change the battery a few times and regular maintenance. I am so grateful for my car. I love that it has such great gas mileage. I love that I can park in small parking spaces. I love that it has power to speed up fast when I need to. It drives very smoothly. I love the speaker system. I love that I can put the back seats down so there is a pretty big space in the back. Once I fit a twin size bed in the back of my car. I thought that was impressive. I sometimes get scared driving my car because it is so low to the ground because of all of the bigger cars around me but I feel like the body is tough so it would hold up well in a car crash. It has air bags in the front two seats and the seat belts are of good quality. I really like the Honda brand. I always want to drive a Honda.
Austin, Texas
Honda Fit really fits.
The Honda Fit is a good economical car, it's sporty, zippy, and just a lot of fun. I have owned this car for five years now, and yes it's a pre-owned car, but the interior is well kept, the gas mileage is great, it had helped me with several different moves thanks to the handyness of the Fit for the clever way the seats fold down. I never knew that I would love a hatch back until I had this car. Its so handy to have it pop open and just place things at a nice level that I can reach. I'm pretty short, so the normal sedan trunks were always awkward for me to use. The roominess inside the car is surprising too. It is almost like a Tardis. You know, "Bigger in the inside than the outside," kind of vibe. As long as you take care of this car, it will last you a good long time. This 2008 model is hitting its middle age, but I've never had an issue with the engine like I did my previous car (terrible Saturn). I drive 20+ miles to and from work everyday, and in the hot Texas sun. That can kill a car fast. My Fit has held up, not once giving an issue. I love this model compared to the newer ones because of the dashboard. Its easier for me to see over, and doesn't feel as big. As I've said earlier, I'm pretty short, and having something feel bigger than me makes me frustrated. The way the features are set up are easy to find while driving, so it doesn't distract. Also, I'm still old school and use the CD player it has, which works better than any of those old chunky CD players I had in the 90s. The stereos work alright. I wish I could hear the music better over the road noise, which can be pretty loud, but I think that would be because the Fit isn't all that sound tight for road noise. The only big issue I had with this car was there had been a weird stuttering to the car when running the A/C. It was an easy fix, replacing the ignition coils. Over all, I love this car. It seriously can fit is tight spaces. The turning radius is small and easy to maneuver for U-Turns, and you can easily squeeze between two large trucks in a parking lot without problem and still have room to get in and out of the car. Even though my car is hitting the ten year mark soon, and may not be as zippy as it once was, I know it is a reliable car.