21 Honda Odyssey resultados
Gibraltar, Pennsylvania
My husband and I have four children. We bought our first Honda Odyssey in 1999 when our oldest was just 10 months old. We drove it for 14 years and like it so much that in 2014 we traded it in for a new Odyssey. What a treat that has been. So many technological advancements were made in the 14 years we owned our minivan. And our new minivan has been as reliable as the first one. A smooth ride, sliding doors that don't fail, zero problems with the electrical system, a nice sound system, a great deal of cup holders (a must!), plenty of space for storage - so important with a large family. I've driven some other vehicles when the van has been in the shop, and I would hands down much rather drive the Odyssey. We drive this van several times a year back and forth to visit family 550 miles away, and it is a very comfortable ride. One thing I wish was an option is a darker color for the interior floor and seats to hide stains.
Bellview, Florida
Plenty of room
We have four children, all in car seats. We adore the fact that there is a latch system on every back seat. We also enjoy the fact that we still have a large trunk space even with four car seats in the car. We have two ferrets and a cat. My husband is in the military so we travel a lot. We can fit two suitcases, my husband's golf clubs, the cat in his crate, the two ferrets in there three-foot tall cage, plus pillows and blankets and a bassinet for the baby, along with all the kids in their car seats and still have room. The amount of space in this vehicle is astronomical. It is a top safety rated vehicle in its class for the year, and I really like that me and my kids feel protected. I also adore how the third row can totally fold down, out of site and the middle row can be removed. My husband can fit several sheets of plywood in the back when we do home improvement around our house. We have a lower trim model, so just the basics, but I love that even though we have the lowest model class, we still get Bluetooth capability for our phones. One of the things we complain about is lack of cupholders. There are two near the third row and three up front in our trim model. There needs to be more. I also want to mention that, even though it is a minivan, we still get between 26-30 mpg on the highway, which is pretty amazing!