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Mesquite, Texas
Amazing and dependable
I think this SUV is amazing. It provides everything I need in a car. I can tow something if I need to and its great for moving. I use it as my everyday car. One downfall is that the gas mileage is not amazing. But the car is 18 years old so when I bought it I did not expect it to be amazing. One thing I really have liked about the car is that if anything does go wrong on it I can be the one that fixes it. There are tons of resources out there for people who own Jeeps. If you know how to use them it will save you a ton of money doing it yourself instead of going to another person to do the work. A few things that I have had go wrong with the car is the horn did not work and it needed to be replaced, the Harmonic balancer needed to be replaced, and there is a small short with my blinker. Not a lot of things that needed to be done but they were things that just go out over time.
Medina, Washington
great car, for a while
This was my first splurge car. I purchased it used with only 10000 miles. It rode smooth, had all of the "luxury" upgrades (leather heated seats, sun roof, tow package etc.) and the interior was exactly what I wanted in a car. It had a great amount of pickup, seemed to handle all terrain that was at it, and maneuvered well in the snow, not a critical element to where I live but certainly appreciated when called for. It does only do about 15/mpg on the highway, which I was anticipating so not a striking blow, however one should be aware that they are not purchasing an eco friendly, gas efficient machine.
Over the years, the car began to wear down considerably. Transmission replaced, brakes replaced, and now the heat/blower has shut off completely. This is all before 100,000 miles so buyer beware, this car will cost you some money in the long haul. If I had it to do over, I would buy something more dependable and fuel efficient, but if you are looking for comfort while you drive, this vehicle met or exceeded all of my expectations. Truly a fine automobile from an aesthetic point of view.