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Longview, Washington
Amazing little toaster
My little Suzuki sidekick is a great little car for the most part. It gets gas mileage and goes just about anywhere I want to go. There are a few things that I don't like. It's very light in weight, so if it's windy out, I do feel the strong gusts of wind pushing my car around. It's a tiny car, and I get in and out of small spaces. I'd say that's a plus. Many times I have been thankful for my tiny toaster.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Cheap but Unreliable
This car was given to me by my mother when she got a new car. It was a very unreliable car and I would recommend it to people if they got it for very cheap price.
Mike C.
Burlington, Kentucky
I'd rather go topless!
Nothing like going topless in the summer and driving down the road. That by itself makes the car worth it. Decent gas mileage, warmer in the winter than you'd think - that was actually my biggest concern, but it was ill-founded. Back seat comes out for more storage. Nice sporty little vehicle. Once you get used to it, you can take the top off in about 5 minutes and put it on in about 7-8 minutes.