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Jacky Lin
Sacramento, California
Reliable, Sturdy, Great Balance of Independence and Dependability
As a part of a family who is accustomed to mini vans, the Tacoma, as a small pickup truck, was quite the addition to the family arsenal of vehicles. The minor set back is that the truck isn't designed for our family road trips, but everything else we do, it's perfect. Though it's a small pick up, we have a small home, so it sort of works out. It still maintained the ability to transport furniture and appliances home from the store (in less trips than anyone could have ever imagined), as well as a roomy cab for comfort and extra storage. It doesn't have much uphill power, but it still gets the job done when it comes to a bit of off road driving. It's been a great truck to take on fishing trips, being able to keep the cooler in the cab, rods and tackle boxes in the small storage behind the bench seat, and being able to tie anything else we needed in the bed. It's even reliable enough to be able to help other members of the family in need of a truck, as well as making recycling trips whenever necessary. Overall, this truck would be a great vehicle for those who have never owned a truck before, and those who need small jobs done that mini vans and small family cards can't handle. It's also a great transition from smaller vehicles to larger ones. Can't find too much to complain about with a vehicle that has done it's purchasing value of service to the owning family in less than a decade.
Bend, Oregon
Tacoma is best truck
The Toyota Tacoma TRD is the best truck I have ever owned. I've taken it from the mountain tops to down by the sea. It has tackled the muddiest of roads. I have driven it in the ice and snow. The four wheel drive is amazing. I feel like this truck could drive through hell and back and laugh in the face of the Devil. God has divined this truck. This truck is like the archangel Michael's sword, smiting all demons who dare to get in its way. This truck laughs in the face of other trucks. They whimper and bow to its will. I want to be buried in the truck when I die.
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