29 Ford Focus results
Smyrna, Georgia
It's alright
The car is a car. And that's about it. You're not going to be going on long trips with this car. It's going to get you from point A to Point B and, if you're lucky, you'll get back to Point A without any trouble. When I bought the car, the back windows didn't work. They still don't work! None of the buttons on the steering wheel work. Neither does the car charger. Plus side? Great gas mileage. I only have to fill up every ten or 12 days or so. Which is nice. Depending on what gases prices are like, I normally only have to spend about 20 to 25 dollars to fill it all the way. The radio works just fine, and the after market sound system makes it sound pretty good. The air conditioner and the heater work super well, too. Which, again is awesome because being without heat and air is a pain. Things seem to go wrong with it every three or four months which can become super expensive. I have had to replace the entire brain in it because it literally shut off while I was driving. The outside of the car really isn't that impressive either, but I don't really care about what a car looks like as long as it works OK. All in all, it's not terrible. If you need to buy a car for your kid as a first car or need something that you know is going to get you to work, then this car works just fine.
Candler-McAfee, Georgia
Good car if you drive a lot.
So this car is great, depending on your situation. For me, it's the perfect car -- not too big, still pretty economic, easy to fix when it breaks and a solid engine and transmission. There is nothing special here folks, just your basic car that just works. I drive 40k+ miles per year, and it gives me very little problem. The few times it has broken down on me, the parts were pretty cheap, and I was able to fix it myself with a little bit of time and help from my awesome wife. I suggest if you decide to get this car, look for one with cruise control or very ready to install it as it does not come standard. You may also want to change the head unit to have more features and make your life a bit easier. The car has lots of space, and if you need more room, you can take out the passenger seat like I did and voila! (Probably not something you want to do if people always ride with you though.) If you're a private investigator, like me, then this is a really good surveillance vehicle. Just show it some love, and it will refuse to die. 200k miles and counting, and the original paint still looks great. Oh yeah, and the best part is that these cars are pretty cheap now.
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