3 Ford Focus results
Erie, Pennsylvania
The Ford Focus SE is a piece!
If you're looking for a vehicle with great gas mileage and heated seats, this may be the vehicle with you. The 2014 Ford Focus SE comes in a variety of colors suitable to anyone's desires as well as mesh heated seats with a controlled heat level setting. The car is small and compact, but great for long distance travel. The Ford Focus SE has a digitized mileage counted that displays how many miles you have left before needing to refuel, how many miles you've traveled and lets your alternated to determine how many miles it takes to get to a specific destination. The car comes with ample trump space and the back seats fold down as well. Best of all, the side mirrors have blind spot sections attached, making for a safe commute to wherever your heart desires. Not to mention, you can fill your tank for 26 dollars. The car comes with a Bluetooth audio feature that lets your pair your phone directly to your car for calls and music. Not the fancy technology type? That's fine, the Focus also comes with a CD player for those of you who don't feel like dealing with the extras. The only downside to this vehicle is the constant jerking which has yet to be explained, but cannot be fixed! That's Ford for you! Luckily, there is currently a lawsuit being disputed for that reason and it sounds as if Ford is going to have to buy these cars back. I the transmission slip wasn't so annoying and constant, this car would get a 10 from me.
Erie, Pennsylvania
Avoid at all costs.
The vehicle came with a constant transmission jerk that Ford was aware of prior to release. This causes the vehicle to rapidly check upon acceleration. The result of this is taking the car to the mechanic a dozen times and having them tell you there is nothing that can be done. Outside of that, I do enjoy the vehicle. It is good on gas and you wouldn't have a hard time if you had a family. The car is small and compact and can be a bit uncomfortable at times during extended travel. I appreciate the fact the car tells you how many miles you have left as well as the heated seats.
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