94 GMC Yukon results
Collierville, Tennessee
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While this car is still running, it has been nothing but problems. I've had problems with the brakes, the alternator, and the wheels. Although it's not a serious issue, the CD player also stopped working years ago. There is no disc inside, but it thinks there is. It won't eject anything because there's nothing in there, but it won't accept any other discs because it thinks there's one in already. In short, I would definitely not recommend this car to anybody, unless of course you like your mechanic and want to give him a lot of business. This is the third car I've had. The first, a Jeep Cherokee, finally crapped out with 250,000 miles. The second, a Subaru Impreza, served me well for 150,000. This car has been nothing but trouble since it reached around 50,000.
Texas City, Texas
My Yukon
I always had small cars so when my husband first got the Yukon I thought that it was too big. I actually called it my transformer, but we have three kids and there is no way that a small car would have held all of us with all of my kids in car seats. I enjoy that there is so much space we can take trips and there is plenty of room for our stuff. We actually went to visit my mom not to long ago and we only had to fill up the gas tank twice once before we left here and once before we left there. So for being a bigger vehicle it is actually great on gas.
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