339 Honda Accord results
Dover, Ohio
Insanely reliable
It's hard to beat the reliability of a Honda. But when a car, regardless of the manufacturer, lasts for almost 15 years that vehicle must be considered extraordinary. So yes there may be some rust on the exterior, there may be a mild vibration here or there, there may be some sounds you can't quite explain, and there will be quirks but the vehicle is practically a tank. The 2002 Honda Accord would stand alone in its superb reliability if it weren't for the fact that so many other Honda vehicles have similar reliability. You can almost always expect the Honda to drive for hundreds of thousands of miles if you really put the maintenance into it.
And one of the things that's remarkable is that the superficial features are actually fairly durable. I've owned older cars before and they routinely have bits and pieces break off, upholstery that stains, and windows that don't open. The 2002 Honda Accord though seems to be utterly devoid of these problems.
So if you want a car that will be reliable and last for decades without totally falling apart go for a Honda Accord.
Northfield, Ohio
Honda Accord - 2007
I love this car. I have owned it for 12 years and put over 200k miles on it. The repairs are not very expensive. Its reliable, the only time I've ever been stranded is when my battery died. Now once it got closer to 200k miles, of course things have started to fail. For instance, the radio no longer works, and there are quite a few rattles when I hit bumps along the road. One more thing Is that I now feel every single bump in the road. However, even with all of this, I've never had to do any major repairs. It's been a solid car. I can't imagine having anything else. And for all you parents of multiples out there the trunk space fits a double stroller with room for more! I already know that once this one dies I will just go out and by the newest model and do it all over again.
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