14 Honda Civic results
Marietta, Georgia
Civics live up to the hype
Everyone I know who has ever driven a Honda talks about how long they last and how reliable they are. Now that I own a Honda Civic, I have seen the light. I purchased this car used a little over a year ago, and it had just over 100,000 miles on the odometer. I am now at 135,000, which includes a trip across the country to move for a new job, and it is still moving just as well as it did the day I bought it. Keeping up with routine maintenance really extends the life of this car beyond what a lot of other models can stand. The only problem I have had with this car is the air conditioning not blowing cold, but my local mechanic was able to fix that for not a lot of money. I would definitely recommend a Honda Civic for anyone looking for a sedan.
North Decatur, Georgia
Dependable sedan for all ages
I purchased this car brand new off the lot as a young woman. At the time gas prices were astronomical and efficiency was key. Coming out of a Mustang, the car offered enough sportiness to be attractive but not too much to sacrifice fuel efficiency. In addition to excellent gas mileage, the car offered both safety and technological features. The safety ratings on the car let me drive coast to coast with few concerns about my well-being. The car also offered up to date media and navigation systems. I love being able to play music from my phone, take phone calls, and have navigation in the event that my phone dies. The interior of the car also cleans up extremely well. After letting the car become a mess and sit for a bit while I drove another vehicle, I decided I wanted it freshen things up. With only a bit of elbow grease the car's seats and interior trim looked good as new. It truly was phenomenal how well the seats held up to all the grime and came clean. The car always offers a comfortable but sensible commute.
Conyers, Georgia
Honda Of Conyers
2015 Honda 857
The dealership offered a fair price for the Honda Odyssey. They made the payments affordable for me, but they failed to tell me they added a few months to my payments. Overall, we received a brand new car for an affordable price.