349 Honda Civic results
Maple Grove, Minnesota
Reliable, but nothing fancy
I chose a Honda Civic because I knew I was going to get a terrible deal with no cosigner or credit history. I looked up the most reliable used brands because I didn't want to have to buy another car for many years. I very actively despised debt so I planned to pay off the car early and have 0 car payments for 10 years following minimum. Knowing very little about cars, Google brought me to Hondas. I immediately picked out one I liked and went to Luther Hopkins Honda. When I got there, they told me the model I wanted was cheaper than the one I wound up buying, but the power locks didn't work. This was a deal breaker for me, so I looked at one a couple thousand dollars more expensive, a year older, with 30,000 miles on it.
I test drove it and loved it immediately, primarily because I knew nothing about cars. I loved the digital display, as all my dad's displays were analog. I loved the smooth ride, as the only car I had driven up until that point was my grandma's beat up Buick. I liked everything about it. Looking back, I wish I'd shopped around more because I got a terrible deal. But at the time I was a naive kid and decided to purchase the first car I even test drove. My father urged me to shop around, but I was desperate for my first car and signed the paperwork a couple days later.
Shakopee, Minnesota
The car that never dies.
This car was one my wife's dream car list when we bought it. I expected this car to cost far more then it did. We got the basic no frill package due to cost savings needed at the time. I am a very tall person and I did fit into it as a passenger and in the backseat more and it was more comfortable then I thought it would be. I will say for a tall person the drivers seat feels the largest in the car and is the most comfortable seat for me to sit in. It has a deceivingly larger trunk then you would think from the outside of the vehicle we never had problems grocery shopping for our family. For larger items like bookshelves there was almost no occasion where we needed a larger vehicle to transport them due to the seats folding down. The biggest thing to say about this car is there is nothing we could do to kill this car. We didn't always get maintenance done on time, sometimes going 3 times longer between oil changes then we where supposed to and we never had a problem with this car. Even with the fact my wife hit a pole, and was re-ended 3 times in it, it still purrs along almost as if it was new. It lasted so long that even after we got new vehicles for my wife and I we kept it around to give to our son and he is not a careful or considerate driver when it comes to vehicles and it survived 3 years of him driving it before he saved enough to buy himself a car he wanted. This is the cheapest for maintenance as well as ""consumables"" like batteries and tires of any car we have owned. If this was a slightly larger vehicle I personally would have purchased this over the car I more recently purchased for myself due to the fact it was a great smooth ride that lasted longer then any vehicle we have ever owned. We used this for longer trips over our newer vehicles just because we knew it would last.
Burnsville, Minnesota
Walser Honda Burnsville
2016 Honda 867
This dealership was great because the sales people do not work on commission. I felt welcomed when I walked in rather than attacked by salesmen. The man we worked with was fantastic and worked very hard to provide us with the perfect car. We did not feel pressured to buy a car or buy a more expensive car than we had planned.
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
Luther Brookdale Honda Brooklynn Center
2005 Honda 856
The sales representative was patient and willing to field several questions about the mechanical and electrical condition of the car prior to the purchase. The vehicle was cleaned again so I could take a close look at the paint, and the dealership offered to fix about 3 things I was unsatisfied with after I committed to buying the car. The car needed some additional fixes AFTER I bought it, and these repairs were done free while I was granted indefinite use of a brand new Honda Accord!