120 Honda Civic results
Honda Civic Danville, VA OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Franklin, Virginia
Good Engine
I've owned my car for eight years. The engine has held up great over the years with little more than basic yearly maintenance. The car has over 130,000 miles on it and still drives great. I wish I could say all parts of the car were constructed as well. When the car was only seven years old, all of the power door lock mechanics needed to be replaced. The car has also needed to be repainted due to cloudiness and peeling in the top coat.
Fredericksburg, Virginia
One of the best cars I have ever owned.
I really liked the color of the car. It's a pretty burgundy color. It ran very well for being used and needing some work, which the car dealership took care of before purchase. I didn't like the tan cloth interior very much because it stains easy. I also notice that my transmission slips a little when the engine is cold or when I'm breaking in a hill. I've had it looked at and a tune up done, but it still does it. Also when I first bought the vehicle, the speakers weren't very good quality (factory speakers), and I had basic AM/FM radio with a tape deck. I have since replaced the speakers and the stereo to a more up-to-date version.
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