155 Honda Civic results
Norman, Oklahoma
Good car.
My 2008 Honda Civic has great gas mileage. I only have to go to the gas station 2 to 3 times a week to get gas and I think that is great. The car has great handling as compared to other cars I have driven and owned. Making smooth turns is as easy as ever, and I barely have to push on the gas to get it to go, or push on the brakes to get it to stop. One thing about it that I hate is that it is no sports car, no one gives me compliments on how it looks cause it's just a basic Honda Civic, it definitely doesn't help me pick up chicks per say. Another good thing about the car is I have never had problems with it once apart from maybe having to replace a tire. It has overall been a really great car since the time I got it, and I plan on keeping it, even if I end up getting a new car later down the road.
Norman, Oklahoma
Great and Efficient
I am extremely glad that I bought this car. It get amazing gas mileage. I can get about 350 a tank. I drive mostly highway so at about 30+ mpg it is a great investment. Also, with gas prices currently so low I can fill up completely for less than $25. I used to drive an older model civic that got great gas mileage, but I am glad I upgraded. Not only is this a plus, but this car is really reliable. I have had no major issues and it is nearly 10 years old. As long as I keep up regular maintenance I can see myself having this car for quite a while. I would buy it again in a heart beat. I will probably by a newer model in the near future for my wife. We both love how cheap it is and some day Ill pass it along to my son.
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