11 Hyundai Elantra results
Hyundai Elantra Carson City, NV OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Las Vegas, Nevada
Comfortable, affordable and reliable
I think my love for my car started with the salesperson 6 years ago. My car is roomy, comfortable and affordable. For my family, roomy is a necessity as my husband, son and daughter are all over 5' 7. It handles the road well and it is reliable. It has gotten me and my family to and from San Diego, Las Vegas, Arizona and back to Las Vegas numerous times. The most amazing thing is that my car is excellent on gas. Maintenance is fairly reasonable and I've noticed that I long as I keep up with all of the scheduled checks the car is good to me. Although my car is stock, the sound system is awesome.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hyundai Elantra for the common driver.
The Hyundai Elantra Limited is a sub-par car. Nothing too exciting and had a lot of issues in such a short amount of time. The car's interior was the most fragile interior you can ever imagine. The mirror on the sun visor would pop out whenever I used it. Don't expect to accelerate at a reasonable speed up a slight hill or on the high way. I felt like the typical soccer mom in a van, rather than a 2013 Hyundai Elantra Limited. Not to mention it was completely totaled from my hitting a curb. Yes, mechanically totaled from hitting a baby curb at ten miles per hour. Undercarriage, bent struts, shifted frame, and ruined axel. Everything you can imagine broke on this car. The color of the interior could have been thought out better. The only thing I like about this car is that when I spun out on a different instance, I was able to get control of the car again and speed up to the people who ran me off the road and intended to leave me for dead. So I guess Hyundai has that going for them. It also had a manufacturer's recall for the seatbelt as well.
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