117 Hyundai Elantra results
Hyundai Elantra Naples, FL OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Munson, Florida
Maybe dangerous
I would say that I liked it because it was my first car, and I'm a bit biased. It was pretty good for a pizza delivery car, and it survived a lot of wrecks with deer. The breaks failed, though, and the check engine light would come on in the middle of journeys. It was pretty bad at everything a decent car would be good at, but it was my car. Honestly, in the end, I really appreciated how nice looking it was for how much I paid (around two grand?). For that price it was an amazing car, and it really lasted a while. I passed it onto my sister after I left for college, and it's still kicking despite the amount of use it's been through. It survived the irresponsibility of my father's usage, and completely depended on a 16-year-old girl for upkeep and it survived despite that. And, honestly, that's pretty amazing for anyone who knows me as a teenager. So, in the end, I would give the car a solid 7/10 for the decent mileage, reliability, and it's inability to die despite the odds against it in my hands.
Bayonet Point, Florida
Great commuter car
I actually received this car as part of an inheritance when my grandfather passed away. I have owned a Hyundai previously so I knew I would still like this car. I really needed a car, and for it being 9 years old, it really runs well with few problems. And if there are problems, it's easy to find parts for it and they aren't that costly. Tires are smaller so it's cheaper to replace than if I owned a bigger vehicle. The air runs very cold, which is great because I live in Florida, and the summer is unbearably hot. There seems to be no shocks on the car though, so driving on highways tends to be really loud. The sound system that came with the car is okay, but doesn't have great acoustics. This is really a car for someone who commutes to work and for quick trips to the grocery store. The trunk is actually pretty spacious so I'm able to fit all my groceries for a family of five in it pretty easily. The windows fog up kind of easily, but I've noticed this tends to be the case in smaller cars for some reason. Could be the area I live in though too.
Naples, Florida
Tamiami Hyundai Naples
2009 Hyundai 1049
The customer service was really good at Tamiami Hyundai. The building was really old but the service was above and beyond.
Ocala, Florida
Jenkins Hyundai Of Ocala
2005 Hyundai 1061
The overall appearance of the dealership was nice.
Customer service was definitely a plus.
Many colors and styles available when it came to different cars.
Many cars and suvs to pick from.
Great work done on cars and suvs.