41 Jeep Cherokee results
Jeep Cherokee Spokane, WA OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Spokane, Washington
Old faithful.
I acquired my Cherokee Sport in 2007 from a used lot in Reno, Nevada. She's a sort of steely powder blue, and bears the scars of nearly three decades of abuse. Despite enough mileage to have reached the lunar surface, this terrific ride is still going strong, with maintenance costs that have remained shockingly reasonable over the years. We had to do a fair amount of that last summer with some suspension and alignment issues cropping up, but afterwards took it on a 2000-mile road trip and it seemed like new. Excellent handling for bad roads and icy conditions; it climbs right up our steep driveway in the worst winters. The main points to recommend this vehicle are its durability and handling, and the relatively comfortable ride. It lacks much in the way of acceleration or top speed, and its fuel efficiency leaves a lot to be desired in this present age. It also looks very much like a product of its time, which is to say like a box inside of some other boxes. That said, I have a hard time imagining trading it in anytime soon. I love this old mule, and it's easily my favorite.
Spokane, Washington
A good idea
The Jeep Latitude is a solid SUV with some good and bad features. The Latitude is more luxury than the Trail Hawk and is better suited for the road rather than a dirt trail. It has a lot of options as far as upgrades from the base. It is responsive in the turns and isn't sluggish up hills. Mine is a dark gray, which is a nice color. There are a lot of color options, so you are sure to find the one you like. Leasing seems to be a good option for the Jeep Latitude because there is often a deal going on. It can be quite expensive for a monthly payment for an upgraded model if you are trying to buy. In SUV rankings, it is usually in the top ten but not in the top three. Those spots generally go to foreign makes such as the Mazda MX5 or Honda CRV. The advantage of the Jeep in these comparisons, in my opinion, is that the Jeep can tow more. The Jeep also carries a mindset like "I can get this dirty and it is okay." That way you don't mind throwing camping gear in the back or inviting your friends in after a day on the slopes with their snow covered boots. A Jeep is a good idea now more than it has been in the past, but there is room for improvement, and they should look up to the MX5 and CRV for examples for more road-like trims.
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