10 Mazda Mazda3 results
Mazda Mazda3 Savannah, GA OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Vinings, Georgia
Reliable Vehicle
I have a 2007 Mazda 3 and it is the most reliable car I have ever had. I have had it for about one year and have put 20k miles on it and haven't had to do anything except change the tires. It is currently at almost 100k miles and doesn't have any problems whatsoever. It is very easy to do all the maintenance on this car yourself and it has the easiest access for an oil change of any car I have ever done work on. It is an easy simple car for people who need to commute and just need a reliable car to get around town
Vinings, Georgia
Dependable car
This car is very dependable as I have not had it break down or really have any problems with it except for regular maintenance. It is not very fast and has very slow acceleration. It also is very easily damaged as I got in a small collision and the whole inside got messed up. I would probably not buy this car again in the future but if I had to go back and purchase it, I would. It has been a nice easy cheap car that has served its purpose for the last few years. I would have gotten a better car but all other comparable cars cost almost 20% more for nothing much better other than brand name and recognition.
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