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Mobile, AL Driving Tips and Experiences
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Mobile, AL
Constant vigilance. If you plan to drive in this town I would strongly advise you constantly be on the look out for any of the things I mentioned earlier in this review. The manner in which people drive around here is insane. Seat belts, working blinkers, and full coverage auto insurance are must haves.
There are quite a lot used car lots in this city. Most of them I would avoid like the plague because many of them are shady in the utmost. There is a relatively long strip of the town known as "Car City" where most of the dealerships are located. In spite of the fact you may pay more these are the most reputable dealers to find. Outstanding among the local car personalities are Sandy Sansing and Pete Moore, both of which have multiple lots of varying brands.
Please note before reading this that I actually live in Pensacola, FL but there's no option that is close enough to represent Pensacola. That out of the way I'd like to say that my favorite memory of driving in Pensacola is just surviving it from day to day. It has been my experience, after living in two other states, that the drivers around here are the worst I have ever seen. I have seen people stopped at green lights, driving the wrong way in traffic, texting while they drive, doing their makeup while they drive, treat red lights as if they were optional, merge without the slightest indication of doing so and so much more. Every day I get home with my car in one piece I thank the fates.
Scenic Highway. Scenic Highway is just as it suggests, very scenic. It's a lovely drive to look at the Escambia River and the large (some worth 7 figures). The speed limit is relatively slow and the road twists frequently enough to preclude some the more... Colorful aspects of driving in this city. There's few red lights to boot and the speed limit stays constant. It's a great road to take a leisurely drive on some weekend.
Mobile, AL
Look out for police if your a speed demon like me, because even though there may not be much traffic there is always that one cop hiding in the bushes or around the corner.
Compare, Compare, then compare some more. Don't buy the first car you find from the first lot you visit. Also, prices in my opinion are always negotiable, so you should use that to your advantage. I personally purchase from a dealership called Luxury Auto Sales on Airport Blvd just past Cody Rd. I purchased my BMW Z4 Convertible from them after negotiating the price down to one I felt was fair.
My favorite memory from driving in Mobile, Alabama where I live is about a year ago when I first purchased my BMW z4 convertible on Valentine's Day. I really took pleasure in dropping the top and just going really fast on the interstate. I also love that Mobile, Alabama is kind of a small town, compared to the bigger cities. Traffic here is not as heavy, so owning a vehicle is ideal here to me and would be a more cost effective way to get from point a to point b here in Mobile in my opinion. I also like the country areas we have because I love a good view when I am out riding. In more populated areas there are more buildings and you don't get that experience of nature much like I get where I live now. I've lived in a couple different places being an Army enlisted soldier and I must say that I would still on want to call Mobile, Alabama my home.
Interstate-65. I just love to go fast and I-65 allows me to do this. It's often wide open and traffic does not get backed up as often as it does in a bigger city, so I-65 is ideal for me to drive on when I am just getting out to enjoy my convertible.