76 Nissan LEAF results
Atlanta, Georgia
Well made, economical, environmentally friendly, a good fit for in-town commuting.
Initially, I was skeptical the Leaf would have enough power - even after the test drive. However, after driving it a few days you learn that this car is really quite fast from a standing stop. The acceleration is almost instantaneous, where with a gas-powered car there's a real lag as the car gets up to speed. Nissan calls it "torque" or something similar.
Also, although it's not made for long-range travel, as it only covers about 90 miles at full charge, it's certainly got enough range for commuting around town and running errands.
Flat Rock, North Carolina
I am very happy with the ownership of this electric vehicle
When I leased the Nissan LEAF in 2013, there were very few of these on the roads in North Carolina, and the electric loading infrastructure was very poor. However, I recognized the potential of electric vehicles and wanted to give my young daughter a very early idea what good stewardship of this earth means and translates into. To make a long story short, while our LEAF, called Snowy by my daughter, is not the prettiest of any of the cares on the modern road, it is the most reliable, trustworthy and environmentally safe cars. The ride is exceptional in that it is quiet and all drive data is positive, ranging from acceleration to top speed to electric consumption. It naturally helped that there was no longer any consumption of gasoline, but only free reloading of electricity in North Carolina. Soon, both my daughter and I could no longer think of having a regular gasoline engine car. The rid was very comfortable, the car provides a lot of personal space and loading capacity with its foldable seats, and, most importantly, it is the cheapest vehicle on the road to operate. Since there are only four moving parts in a LEAF, there is virtually no break-down possible with possible repair bills. The only thing I have had to replace were the tires after year 3, while not even break pads needed to be replaced. Hence, after 60,000 electric miles in this vehicle we give it u superior thumbs up!