50 Toyota Corolla results
Toyota Corolla Evansville, IN OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Evansville, Indiana
A cool looking car with some drawbacks.
This was my first owned car. It was sitting in the parking lot of our local dealership. So I bought it for it look. The spoiler on by the trunk I thought looked great. I wanted a sports look. The car was in used condition about 28,000 miles. For a used car it was in pretty good shape there was no noticeable damage and the materials looked sturdy. Upon closer examination it actually turned out that the materials in the 2011 Toyota were quite cheap and not like the earlier corolla I had which had slightly better materials. The seats were of fabric and not of Leather, but they felt pretty comfortable so I still liked the seats. After a few months of driving the car a whole began to develop under the gas pedal so that continued to confirm my suspicion of cheap materials used. The acceleration of the car though is one of my favorable parts it may not be a sport but it sounds like one. Whenever I would step on the gas the car would lurch forward and it took some time to get used to but by far that is my favorite feature. Another good thing is gas mileage. I bought this car when gas ran about $3.50 and I could fill the car in $36 which I thought was pretty good value. The corolla hasn’t broken down once (knock on wood). Its engine looks as if I bought the car yesterday. The corolla also seemed pretty spacious coming from a 1999 corolla. When I sat in the back seat it had pretty good leg room. This car doesn’t have a navigation system but the aux feature makes up for that. I use it to listen to lectures from class and that makes up for any of the vehicles short coming.
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