16 BMW X5 results
Hillsboro, Oregon
Best SUV you can own
Owning a BMW X5 is amazing! The build quality is top notch! I've owned this car for 3 years and have had minimal problem trips to the dealership! We've just recently hit the 100,000 mile marker and it's still going strong! They really set the bar high for this truck!
Miami, Florida
High performance. High quality.
This is by far my most favorite car I have ever had. Those few short four years that I owned it was truly the years I felt the most successful and accomplished in my life. It was a true joy to get in that car and smell the wonderful leather seats every time I drove it. The smell never went away. It always smelled like a new car even though it was used when I got it. The car felt so solid as if every single bolt was screwed on so perfectly that nothing could go wrong. I would feel so safe when driving as if the car was protecting me because it was a rather large vehicle. The sound system was amazing, and I would just go into a meditative state when I was driving on the highway. I would close the windows, and it would be so silent from blocking all the outside noises. One time I got into a little vender bump with another car, and their car got a huge dent in it. My car looked like nothing even happened to it. It is such a solid car. One of the worst days of my life is when I had to give the car back at the end of my lease. It still even looked brand new when I returned it after four years. I miss that car.