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Cary, NC Driving Tips and Experiences
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Cary, NC
Watch which lane you are in-it will probably disappear or change into a turning lane. Be aware of traffic around you because many are on their phones not paying attention. Don't get on interstate 40 around 5:00-it's a parking lot usually because of an accident.
There are lots of car dealers in nearby Apex all centered around each other. There is lots of competition so you should be able to find what you want-whether it's a new car or used. If you're going for used-check out Craigslist. There tend to be a number of them available. The Honda dealer is very friendly. It's easy to get it serviced. Just drive in they take care of everything.
There aren't a lot of highlights. The roads are congested, lanes disappear, no shoulders to the road, but if I have to pick one, I guess it's Salem St in Apex. The old craftsman homes are so interesting to look at. Great front porches, cute shopping area that reminds you of old-time south. The speed limit is low so people aren't speeding, hurrying and cutting you off. Beautiful old trees grace the yards and well kept lawns.
Salem St. As stated above, the beauty of the homes make it a peaceful ride and people don't seem to be so impatient as other areas. It reminds you of the way the south used to be.
Cary, NC
My advice would be to take it easy and look around you when appropriate, like while waiting at a stop light. There are a lot of nice views to see.
I would do a lot of research. There is one area that has a large conglomeration of dealerships, and I would visit those as well. I would also search online for used vehicles and to get a price reference for negotiations. As far as roads, I would keep in mind that you probably want good gas mileage. Keep in mind that you will be making a lot of frequent stops at stoplights.
It's hard to choose a favorite memory from driving. A good day driving means getting to and from work with minimal traffic. My favorite memory driving in the city would be driving home from late night movie. There was very little traffic and I was able to get home quickly without many stops or other cars in the way.
Cary Parkway. Cary Parkway is nice because there is a lot of plants and trees decorating the sides of the road. It doesn't feel like you are in the middle of a big city. It's quiet and quaint. There are two lanes with good opportunity to pass slower cars.