4 Chrysler Cirrus results
Immokalee, Florida
I love this car.
I thought Chryslers were cars for old folks, so when I saw this at the dealership I thought, "This looks pretty good for an old-lady car... hmmm." Then I test-drove it and was amazed by the power - this is one responsive car! I liked that it only had one owner, that his company had actually owned the car, so it was really well maintained. It had 57,000 miles on it, and was 10 years old when I bought it. I still own the car, and in the 40,000 miles I've put on it, have had no issues aside from maintenance - new battery, new plugs, stuff like that. I like that, for its size, it gets really decent gas mileage, and it feels pretty luxurious inside. As far as any dislikes go, I have only one, and it's so minor - I also drive a Honda Hybrid, and it gets amazing mileage, of course. So, compared to that car, it does pale in the gas-use stakes, but still, for a 6-cylinder car from the 90's, it performs well, gas-wise and otherwise. For the $5,700.00 I paid for it, I feel like I got a great deal.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Reliable mode of transportation.
First, let me say that I paid cash for the car, which may have been a mistake because I did not get the warranty for the car. But, all in all, the car is reliable with scheduled and preventative maintenance. This was my first cash purchase of a car. I didn't really expect too much other than a car that would get me from point A to point B without too much fuss. The car is roomy for the size of the car. I did not expect it to be so roomy. One of the features that I did not like is that is sits low to the ground. Not like a race car but low. I am able to go from home to work, shopping, leisure trips, etc. without having to worry about something happening and I end up on the side of the road without transportation. It is reliable, and for this to be my first cash purchase of a car, I am happy with it.
Mountain View, California
Body built nicely, interior great, engine and air conditioning issues.
I have a black Chrysler Cirrus Lei from 2000. It has a leather interior and six cd disc player as well as a tape deck. It has a moon roof, electronic doors and windows as well as electronic side mirror and seat adjustments.