5 Chrysler PT Cruiser results
2010 Chrysler PT Cruiser OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Pueblo, Colorado
Overly complicated.
I fell in love with the PT Cruiser the second I saw one. I had just bought a car so I had to ignore my impulses to buy one. A few years later my friend was selling one for dirt cheap and I had to have it. Just days later I started regretting it.
Westminster, Maryland
Okay, but not great
I personally don't care for this car. I only got it because my credit was bad and it's all they would offer me. I won't say that PT Cruisers are bad car, but this one is far from a great car. Although, I have to say, a huge part of that is probably because I got it used. It's obvious that the previous owners didn't take care of it all. I have put so much money in this car. I've had to change all the tires, some of them twice and I've only had the car since February of this year (around $400). It had oil and everything, but it still started smoking on me and left me suck on the side of the Beltway for about an hour in the heat in the middle of rush hour (around $50). The connector that tells the blinker to blink is shot, that's going to cost me around $150. The battery cable was shot, and it turned off on me going down a hill ($100). All together, I've probably had to put in right or over $800, and the car Kelly Blue Booked at barely over $1,000 for the condition mine is in. I could have already bought the car almost with the repairs I've made on it. It's awful on gas, I average about 15 MPG. I will say that it is a bit spacious, which is good. I had to move three states away and had to leave behind very few things because most of it fit in the car. I don't like the clock is not digital and that the window buttons are on the middle right above the radio instead on the door like most cars.