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Salt Lake City, UT Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Salt Lake City?
Salt Lake City, UT
Don't follow closely, give other cars plenty of room. There has been many studies and all have come to the same conclusion:. If you slow down and give other cars ample room your commute takes an average delay of 2 minutes and you arrive at your destination with your side mirror intact.
You need to remember that we have extreme weather conditions. It can be 105 in the summer and below freezing for a good part of the winter. You need to get a car with a wide wheel base, and without an overly high car /frame differential. And whatever you do, don't put a lift kit on your. Truck. Not only have I never seen a working rancher with a lift kit, but they look silly and will give you all kinds of trouble with the hurricane force east canyon winds that can come before a. Storm
As for. Buying a car, just. Drive down State Street. It's auto road and you can find almost anything there
I don't know if this is a favorite memory, but it is still a vivid one. It was the first snow of the season. I don't know why but every winter drivers have never seen snow before and they don't remember that snow is slippery. We have fender benders galore, easily into the 200 range. This particular first snow of the season was crazy. I was driving on I15 the major artery to downtown, when I saw a frightening sight in front of me. There were 8 or 9 cars in front of me. All of the cars were out of control, skidding, doing donuts and bashing each other. It looked more like a demolition derby and there was no way out. I was already going slowly, but I slowed down even more than and tried to navigate through the mess. I had made it through the major clump of cars when along came another car totally out of control and heading right for me. I had no way to escape but I went onto the shoulder of the road. Everything was a mess up ahead of me so I decided to do a completely illegal thing. I somehow managed to get my car turned around and headed back the way I had started. Driving the wrong way on the shoulder and sometimes even venturing into the barrow pit. I have 4 wheel drive so I was able to go into the barrow pit and get back out. I finally made it to an entrance, went out the entrance and got off the freeway. I made it out of the mess and only lost one of my side view mirrors. I can't say it was an enjoyable but it was an experience never to be forgotten.
5365 Serena Cir. Going up the canyons is my favorite drive, but in the valley I like the Mountain View Corridor. It's a new north/south semi freeway and doesn't even go the entire length of the valley yet, but the parts you can use are great. Brand new concrete and very little traffic, it is a joy to drive.
Salt Lake City, UT
If you have a job that requires you to commute during rush hour, leave early to start your commute. Rush hour is not a fun drive in most places. The freeways are great and there's plenty of ways to get around without using the interstate system. Friday evening is the worst drive by far, so don't be in any great hurry to get anywhere, unless you have some good alternative routes. Also, Utah drivers, in my opinion, are not great at communicating. They often fail to use their turn signals for some reason. Kind of annoying, but you get used to it after a while.
All along State Street are plenty of new and used car dealers. Plenty of options for buying a car. Also, ksl.Com is a local TV news website that has a section devoted to selling and buying used cars. I've used it a couple times to purchase a used vehicle and once to sell a car. I don't know anything about "AutoList king", but I imagine you could easily purchase a used vehicle on craigslist.
Favorite memories are from years ago. Back in the 80's as a teenager, cruising State Street with friends on a Friday or Saturday night. Just driving up and down State meeting new people (girls in particular) and enjoying our youth. Stopping occasionally for fast food or to get a girls phone number. Radio blasting and trying to look cool. Unfortunately today's teenagers will never experience that, as Salt Lake City banned "cruising" on State Street years ago. Kinda sad really...
Redwood Road. Redwood Road is a very long straight road that runs north and south through a number of cities in the Salt Lake Valley, and so it's an easy way to get to different places. It's a busy road, but not extremely crowded. Almost never a hassle to drive. Fairly relaxing way to get across the valley when you're not in too much of a hurry. Very few residential buildings directly on Redwood, and so it's pretty much all commercial property. Tons of stores and retail outlets all along Redwood. Many miles of commercial property, and with a relaxing drive, you can't beat it.