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La Porte, Texas
The little car with a big drive.
I really loved the gas mileage on the car. the dodge neon is a very small car and it used very little gas. the car handled very well and it was easy to fit in tight spaces and to park nicely. the speaker system was perfect and came with the standard radio which never had any problems. the tires were standard and found in stock easily everywhere. the car was actually very spacious for a small car. my kids had plenty of room in the backseat and in the passenger side as well. the only problem I ever had with the car was the starter going out 5 years after I bought it. after replacing this I drove it for 8 more years without any problems. the car drove and handled smoothly. for a budget car it was like the car that refused to die, it never broke down and never gave me any trouble. I would highly recommend this car if you need something reliable and budget friendly!
State Center, Iowa
Efficient, Sporty, Roomy
The dodge neon has been my car throughout high school and college. It is very fuel efficient, with mine getting around 32 mpg for my usual driving. I am a taller guy at 6'4" and it has very comfortable seating for me to be able to access all of the driving features and not feel cramped at all. The two most eye catching aspects of the neon for me were the sunroof and spoiler. I like to drive with the windows down and sunroof up all of the time in the summer. The spoiler also gives it a sporty feel when it really isn't a sports car at all. I felt like I could drive it as a casual car as well as polish it up to use for date nights and nicer events. The interior is very easy to clean as the front seats slide all the way forward and back while the rear seat-backs fold down for access to the trunk. Over the years that I have driven the neon it has needed very little maintenance. Some basic part repairs such as a tie rod, tires, spark plugs ect. The acceleration is pretty terrible but for normal driving I find being able to accelerate quickly not an important facet. The heat and air are very powerful and are able to cool and heat the car very quickly.