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Maryville, Missouri
I love that this vehicle has never given me any engine problems, the utility space is great for my needs, and it is still kicking 11 years later. I hate that this vehicle's body is rusting out, it seems like every time I get in it there is another small problem and all of the comfort features seemed to be the first to fail. There is a quality engine here. But everything interior seems to have failed, like the window motors, the radio, the tape deck, the sun visors, the seat belts.
Houston, Texas
Save your money, and do not buy this car!
This car is the first vehicle that I bought. I bought it because I currently live in a city that is not very accommodating for non-car owners. If you do not own a car in this city, you will not be able to get to school (unless you are in the K-12 system that has transportation), work, or even the grocery store. Anyways, this was a cheap Craigslist purchase that seemed like a good deal when I first bought it. I saw the reviews for this particular car, but I really needed a car so I thought that most of the negative reviews (and they were quite a lot of them) were just hyperbolic. Obviously, I was completely wrong. Within a week, the car starting to vibrate very violently regardless of what it was set to (park/drive/idle), the oil pan started to leak, the brake transmission fluid pan started to leak, and the water from the A/C compartment started to leak inside the car at the bottom of the passenger seat (getting passengers' feet wet). No matter how many times I tried to isolate the problem and the amount of times I took it to several different mechanics in the area, the car was so uncooperative. To be very honest, I am extremely glad that Hurricane Harvey flooded the car and made it completely useless. Now, I no longer feel guilty for avoiding to fix it.