2 Mercury Mountaineer resultados
Granite City, Illinois
Big cars are more fun
I went from a Dodge Stratus to a Mercury Mountaineer. It was like going from a skateboard to a semi. It took time to get used to the size difference.
I like the height of the passenger compartment: I can see further down the road, but I don't need a step stool to enter the vehicle.
I have five dogs, all rescues, and the Merc' is the first vehicle I've ever owned that is large enough to accommodate them all - and with plenty of room left over.
The gas tank holds 20 gallons, meaning I only need to fill up every two weeks at most. It also means a trip to visit Grandma won't cost a small fortune.
Prineville, Oregon
The perfect fit!
Leather seats are what caught my attention, since I have children, but the comfort and drive style of the mountaineer are what sold me. The way that this vehicle simply glides around curves, has smooth transitions, and goes from zero to fast in no time at all, bring about a comfort in knowing that if push comes to shove in a situation where one would have to maneuver quickly to avoid trouble, this vehicle can easily handle whatever needs to occur. I love that this fits my family of five, and we still have room in the back for stacks of groceries (that is with the back row laying down). As I stated previously, the leather seats are a huge plus as a mom of three boys. To not have to worry about their spills soaking into the seats, and the ease of cleaning the mud from sports practices, is and will always be my number one reason the mountaineer fits my lifestyle perfectly. The gas mileage is about average, nothing to brag or moan about, it gets us where we are going and does not cost an arm and a leg to do it. The fact that the front seats, both driver and passenger, have lower back support mechanisms to adjust to your own body, is a life saver on long road trips. It has saved me from immense back and neck pain, something that I suffer with frequently. Although the vehicle does have roof racks, I have only used them once, as most things I can simply put into the back with all the seats laid down, even 8 foot 2X4's.