17 Subaru Forester resultados
Carol Stream, Illinois
Great car for me
My car was made in Japan. It gave me a extra confidence about the quality when I first purchased it. I like that it's relatively small, but functions like an SUV (4 doors, plus back hatch). I don't have depth perception so prefer a smaller vehicle, but like that it's higher from the ground that a standard sedan. I can see better in high traffic areas and others see me better. In my standard height cars of the past, it seems like other drivers didn't always see me that well. Functionally, it's ideal. I can split fold the seats or put them both down. The opening in the back is narrower than the storage space, but if I can figure out how to get items in, I can haul a lot...Probably more than my husband's standard size SUV. I don't know how that's possible, but it seems true. The 4 wheel drive has been great for 4 season weather. I feel very safe because of great safety test results as well. Initially, I had concern about the paint (per reviews), but it's held up pretty well. I touch it up, but I'd expect that with a 12 year old car that Wintered outside. Mileage seems alright. I have no complaints about handling or the sound system, but I'm not particularly picky. The carpet and upholstery have not stood the test of time, but it's well used. Darker colors would have worn better. The head gaskets leak, but I found a great please to fix them when I'm ready.
Stratford, Connecticut
My subby
Hello. The quality all and all of this car I would say is so so. This car is not one of favorites. I wished it looked a little more of a utility vehicle. It looks in-between utility vehicle & station wagon. Station wagons I hate. The mileage of the car is great. As I use to drive to jersey a lot for work. So there are alto of jersey mileage on the car which is great thing!! The interior of the car was great. Loved the leather seating & sunroof.
The style of car is sporty yet family style has different kinda looks I would say. The comfort of the car was great I was always comfortable in driving the car no matter how far I drove it. Fuel economy was not good it drank lots and lots of gas. I always had to keep filling the tank. My nugget is this car was my subby gubby jersey wersy car. That was my nickname for the car. Yes that car & I went though a lot but at the same time it was time for a new car. It handled a lot. A lot of wear & tear that car did go through. All the bumpy roads. All the highway driving it did.