23 Subaru Forester resultados
01922, Massachusetts
The Subaru Forester is the fourth Subaru vehicle my family has purchased in the last decade, which speaks to our level of customer satisfaction. In our current fleet, my car is the "youngest" at 100,000 miles. It gets excellent gas mileage, especially for a small SUV, and I like that its emissions are less than those of other vehicles in class. I find the Forester physically comfortable to drive, which is important to me as I have chronic pain. The car is reliable, dependable, and handles very well across different terrains and different weather conditions. I have had some small problems with doors sticking and the headrests straining my neck, but as far as functionality in getting wherever I need to go, I couldn't be happier. I bought the car used with about 30,000 miles on it and have made it through nine New England winters safe and sound. There is enough room for passengers to sit comfortably in both the front and back of the cabin. Other than the same routine maintenance required for any vehicle, I haven't had to do anything out of the ordinary to care for the car, and have been rewarded with a safe, quiet ride that does everything I need it to, handling well in both city and country driving conditions.
Portland, Oregon
Good all-purpose car.
This car is great for anything (city driving, mountain driving, road trips) and the parts are easily changed if you want to use it for other things. I’ve found it reliable and haven’t had any mechanical problems with it yet. The trunk has a good amount of storage and the seats provide a lot of space for passengers. I also like how it looks, the shape and design are sleek and visually pleasing. It gets great gas mileage. I particularly like the car’s turn radius, I’ve found myself able to navigate some pretty tricky parking lots because of this (no need for 24-point turns). The ride is pretty smooth and the acceleration is above average. It drives well in the snow because of its four wheel drive capabilities, and it drives well on dirt and gravel roads for the same reason. I don’t particularly like how there were a few sealing issues (air escaping into the car, making for a noisy ride). And there’s apparently some glitch with the Subaru forester 2008 that causes the “check engine” light to come on and therefore the cruise control to shut off. This seems to be an issue with a leak in the gas cap, nothing dangerous, but it removes some of the features of this car that I would particularly benefit from. I would definitely recommend this car to other people and I bet the latest models are even better than my own.