39 Volkswagen New Beetle resultados
Hesperia, California
Looks great on the outside and inside, just as long as you don't need it to be reliable.
I really had high hopes for this car. I am a huge fan of VW in general. I've owned a lot of cars by them in all sorts of different models. However when it came to the new Beetle, I was greatly disappointed. It looks great, it really does, but when it comes down to function, I was let down. It gets decent gas mileage, but you shouldn't abuse it as a daily driver. You can't haul virtually anything in it, including people that are adult size. My particular car just ate batteries to no end, and really made my Monday's more difficult than need be. Granted, I did buy it used, for a pretty penny though.
Mentor, Ohio
Fun car with minor issues
I love the look of this car, which is the main reason I bought it. I had been wanting a Volkswagen Beetle since before I could even drive. I was lucky to find a used convertible version for around 15k and jumped at the chance to own my dream car at such a reasonable price. I love driving around town in my Beetle, and I put the top down any chance I get. However, after owning this car for 6-7 years, I've had a few annoyances when it comes to regular maintenance. The headlights burn out extremely fast. I've sometimes replaced them, and had to do it again just 6 months later. In addition, I've had small issues with the electrical. Some of the power window buttons stopped working, the trunk button stopped working, and there's no option to open it with a key from the outside. The gas cover release stopped working, and just a couple weeks ago, the glass on the passenger side mirror fell off. Some of the electrical issues may just be an issue of needing to replace fuses, but it seems like it's a new annoyance every day. A bigger annoyance is that I can't check the transmission fluid without taking it to a dealer. I just recently started to feel like the car is struggling to switch gears, and when I looked up how to check my fluid levels, I realized the dealer needs to hook it up to a computer to check the transmission fluid level, which is going to cost a lot more than checking it myself. This is also not the car for someone who is larger, or someone who wants to transport large items. It has the smallest trunk I've ever seen, and I have trouble fitting more than a few small items in it. I am short and skinny, so I don't mind the small space in the car itself, but when I try to transport larger friends, they are not comfortable. When I put a car seat in the back, I need to move the front passenger seat all the way forwards so my daughter can have some leg room. I haven't had any major mechanical issues other than having to replace the battery once, so for a car with 110,000 miles, it's been pretty good. The oil does cost almost $100 to change since the car requires full-synthetic, but it's all been worth it to have the car of my dreams.