61 Ford Focus results
Crawfordsville, Indiana
2006 Ford Focus
The 2006 Ford Focus that we purchased in 2010 has ran well and we have not had any major mechanical issues with it. Other than routine oil changes and tire rotations not a lot has been done to it mechanically. The car itself has only had issues with the A/C in which case the hose had developed a hole and needed to be repaired and refilled with Freon. So it has been a reliable car. It lacks any real power which in return gives it great gas mileage around 31 highway and a bit lower in the city but still great. The only real cons I have experienced with it is the lack of cargo room and space for passengers. It doesn't really set 4 comfortably especially if anyone of them are tall and 5 people is terrible. The trunk is also smaller than what I would like. It can get groceries ok but what usually ends up happening is some of it goes in the trunk and the rest goes in the backseat.
Mooresville, Indiana
Good car-couple problems.
I like this car because it meets my family's needs. It gets me place to place and it's reliable. It's decently sized inside so we can fit all five of us at once while we drive around. The trunk is very, very spacious. I can fit all of our recycling in it, plus the baby's stroller, plus extra clothes, PLUS groceries, and more. It gets decent gas mileage, but not the best.
The interior is leather, which is not the best as it gets very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer, but it's in very good condition for the age of the car. There was a minor tear in the flooring that I've since repaired.
Some issues about it are that it shakes. It shakes a lot. I've searched some and found that this is common with the type of car it is. There's not much you can do to fix it if you don't want to spend a lot of money. Sometimes the rear view mirror shakes so hard it makes the images go blurry. It's shaken my phone out of the holder a few times.
When I bought it, the stick shift was mildly cracked. I've had to do some minor repair work, but it brought down the price of the car a little.
It's pretty average as far as value. I'm paying about the same for it as I paid for my other cars, relevant to it's age and mileage. I bought it used, so I think I got my money's worth.
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