1 Geo Metro results
Erie, Pennsylvania
Geo Metro - a decent surprise.
I received this car about 8 years ago, and it survived a long time. It outlived my mother’s Taurus, a van, a Jeep and another car I had, I believe a Dodge. The wheel of the Geo was a little hard to turn at times, but the small size of the car allowed it to fit in any parking spot.
Kent, Ohio
Built like a dependable tank.
My 1993 Geo Metro has been absolutely nothing short of reliable since buying it used in 2012. This car gets 45 MPG and reliably gets me from point a to point b. I think buying this vehicle outright from a private seller was the right choice. I admit this is a very utilitarian vehicle, but it does very well at what it's supposed to do. I have had no issues with the vehicle since purchasing it. The only thing I have had to do is basic oil changes and changing the brake pads. All of the parts are also very easy to get as well. Overall I think that this car is a great buy. I admit it's not the most comfortable ride. It doesn't have many of the luxuries that we are used to in modern automobiles, but if you are in the market for a utilitarian and fuel efficient vehicle, finding one of these with lower miles and in good shape is a great investment. This vehicle is just as fuel efficient as many modern vehicles and will do well for your finances as well as not cost very much upfront to own. I highly recommend the Geo Metro. The car is actually very pleasurable to drive due to the way it handles. The small turning radius and small form factor make it easy to park in the city as well. I have never had trouble finding parking while driving my Geo Metro.
Defiance, Ohio
Dependable, reliable.
I like that it has lasted me a long time and gets me from point A to point B smoothly. It has always performed well in terms of driving ability.