36 Honda Civic results
Broomall, Pennsylvania
My Honda Civic
I purchase my Honda Civic as my first car. I wanted something small and fuel efficient. My Civic has proven to be very fuel effect. I can go over a week without filling up the gas tank. I chose the EX model because it included power windows and a moon roof. My car currently has over 110,000 miles on it and it still runs great. With regular maintenance I expect it to run another 100,000 miles or more. It is fairly roomy inside for being a compact. I like that it's a four door and it fits my two school aged children in the back seat just fine. The seats are cloth and a light tan color, I probably would have preferred a darker interior to hide stains better but it suits the color of the exterior so I can't complain too much. The trunk is also pretty roomy and has served me well as a mom who tots children around and does a lot of grocery shopping. I will say I feel very safe in my car and for the price I paid, $7,000 used, it has been well worth it. My only complaint I have had in the seven years I've owned it, is the door handles were painted chrome and the paint is now peeling. It is very sharp and I have cut my finger more then once on it. Maybe molded plastic would have been a better option.
El Paso, Texas
Love this car!
I love my Honda Civic Hybrid! I purchased it used when it was already 6 years old. It had approximately 85,000 miles. Despite that, it continues to run very well. The only issues I have had with it were that I had to replace the rechargeable battery in the back (retails around $5,000, but the dealer was able to get it down to $3,500) and something in the exhaust system had to be replaced (which was covered under the vehicle warranty). It is now over 160,000 miles and still runs wonderfully. There is very little rattling of any framing, the power windows still work, and it handles like a dream. The only downside to it is that if you have tall people sitting in the car, they may be a little squished. The backseat isn't the biggest but I have had people around 5' 8'' in my backseat. The trunk is smaller as well, but I can fit enough groceries to feed my family of three for about a week and a half. Truly a wonderful family car!