48 Hyundai Veloster Turbo results
2013 Hyundai Veloster Turbo OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Temecula, California
Love this car!
I purchased a Hyundai Veloster Turbo in May of 2013. I am so happy I did. The color I chose was Vitamin C, and it is brilliant. The paint is bright and true. They did an outstanding job on the finish work. I got the XM package, and I love the variety of programming offered. The blue link feature is awesome. The leather on the seat is showing little to no wear. The plastic has not faded at all, in spite of not being garaged. The car corners like a champ. Wonderful pick-up speed, I feel very safe. I have had zero mechanical issues. I especially like how the vehicle alerts you when your tires are low. No rattles, no "funny" noises, I just feel confident that my vehicle is fully operable whenever I step into it. Handles inclement weather like the sun was shining, and the temp was at 70 degrees every day. Very fuel efficient and it lets you know how many miles you have left in your tank. Especially helpful for people like me. Plenty of space for groceries, horse tack, whatever you might be into. I got my snowboard in, no problem. This is a fun, but a practical car.