2 Isuzu Rodeo results
Nashville, Tennessee
An exceptional and long-lasting vehicle
I bought my 2002 Rodeo from a stranger off of Craigslist when it already had 150,00 miles on it. However, it might as well have been brand new! The car worked almost like a new one and has incredible endurance. Mine is a dark green color, which I love. It can make it through rain or snow, no matter how heavy, and is incredibly flexible considering its size. Speaking of which, it is so spacious! I can fit so much in the back of the car - mattresses, furniture, musical equipment, you name it! As a traveling musician, this was incredibly helpful. I never had to worry about where I was going to store my instruments. The car has a relatively quiet engine, and a pretty good stereo on its own. The only problem I had with this car is its gaskets. They were constantly messing up, and this would often overheat the vehicle. I would get them fixed, but then they would break again a few months later. I also was not a fan of the gas gauge in the car. Sometimes it would tell me my gas was low, even when I knew I had plenty. This made me a little uneasy sometimes, so I just had to keep up with how often I was filling up my tank. While these problems were unfortunate, it hasn't stopped me from loving this car. It's nearing 300,000 miles now and is still going strong!!!
Springfield, Missouri
Good reliable car, but nothing special.
Overall, this car has been very dependable for me. It has had a few mechanical issues, but nothing that completely stopped the car from running or couldn't be fairly easily fixed. However, there were some things about the car that I wished worked better. The interior was also fairly plain and somewhat dated. However, the interior still looked good for its age and the use of the car.