81 Mercury Sable results
Lynchburg, Virginia
Reliably consistent with minimal repair costs
I bought a barely used 1999 Mercury Sable in 2002 and it has lasted 13 years! I purchased it for about $10k and the repair work has been minimal. I do get it tuned up every 3 months, but it usually costs less than $20 dollars. I have beat this car up and while it doesn't look like much anymore - not that it ever did - it is a work horse. The engine is solid and I definitely got my money's worth out of it. It as much a utility vehicle as it is a passenger vehicle. It has leather seats and a huge trunk. I will drive this car into the ground. For my next car I want something just as, if not more reliable like a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. I would just prefer a nicer-looking body than that of a Sable or Taurus. However, I wouldn't change anything about my purchase and use of the Mercury Sable. It has served its purpose and will continue to do so until it dies, which will probably be around 200 to 250k miles. I will miss this car when its gone, not just because it was my first car, but because it got me through a lot of tough times in my life.
Appleton, Wisconsin
I love this car.
What a like about is that I've over 230,000 miles on in and its 20 years old, you cant find many cars like this with this much miles and only with minor repairs put into it. It has always started up for me in the winter not matter how cold its. The best thing about this car, with this many miles is the fact that I still have the original engine and original transmission. Very few people can say that they even have those things past 150,000 but this car does. The one dislike about this car, to which you can say about all ford products, is the rust. I know I live in WI but this car rust bad, but compared to the upside to this being able to run good this long has to say something. Some car companies have ads were they brag about lasting 10 years, this car lasted 20 and I feel hard press that I cant squeeze more life out of it. Its resale value is a joke even its was in mint condition but if you want a car to last, this is it.
Flowery Branch, Georgia
comfortable, good mileage, awkward trunk
This is a mid-sized car with a sporty look. It handles well even at high speeds. It is a low sitting car, but fairly comfortable. The seats adjust to allow for plenty of leg room. The trunk is quite large, but is not as accessible as I need, as the height of the trunk is low, it does go deep into the car. I like American made cars and this is my first Mercury, it meets my expectations. I got the car used and needed some initial maintenance on it, I find the repair costs to fall mid-range, as some luxury and foreign made cars cost much more for similar repairs.