11 Saab 900 results
Troy, Idaho
Saabs are not for everyone.
Saabs are not for everyone, but I love my Saab! She runs well, even at nearly 30 years old and with over 200,000 miles under her belt -- doesn't hesitate at hills or highway speeds, and she just hums along with very few rattles or shakes. The body style is unique but oddly attractive...nothing fancy with the paint or trim but has a narrow-looking profile that makes her look fast and sporty. As with any older car, there is the occasional need to repair or replace parts -- and because she is an unusual car, finding mechanics and parts that work with her can be a challenge but well worth the effort. Being a convertible, she is an absolute joy to drive in nice weather, but she does exceptionally well in the snow, too...and that Swedish heater keeps me toasty warm in even the coldest of days. Driving my Saab makes me smile...and other people tend to smile, too, when they see my 'Silly Saab' go by! I do wish that it had more (or even any!) cup holders, but hanging cup holders solve that problem...and Saabs do seem to 'eat' keys, perhaps a function of their unusual ignition placement...I find keys torque and break on occasion, so I keep about a half-dozen spares around! My Prudence is the second older Saab I have owned, and I truly can't picture myself driving anything else...the most fun I have ever had driving a car!
Knoxville, Tennessee
I love it!
I absolutely love my car, and it is a great value. It really gets up and goes. I really would have a hard time finding something to complain about in this vehicle. It was a fairly inexpensive car to purchase. People assume I paid more that I did on this car. It truly defines luxury, but at an affordable price. I'm a delivery driver and I could afford this car!
Warwick, Rhode Island
Saab oldie but goodie.
Purchasing this Saab was not what I had originally intended, however it turned out to be one of the best purchases I made. It was a complete impulse purchase, as I was living in the mountains and needed a car for the upcoming winter. Everyone said a Saab would be the way to go, but being from the south, I didn't see the need. Bought it for the winter, still driving in the summer six years later.